"Fear is often preceded by astonishment, and is so far akin to it, that both lead to the senses of sight and hearing being instantly aroused. In both cases the eyes and mouth are widely opened, and the eyebrows raised. The frightened man at first stands like a statue motionless and breathless, or crouches down as if instinctively to escape observation. The heart beats quickly and violently, so that it palpitates or knocks against the ribs... That the skin is much affected under the sense of great fear, we see in the marvelous manner in which perspiration immediately exudes from it... The hairs also on the skin stand erect; and the superficial muscles shiver. In connection with the disturbed action of the heart, the breathing is hurried. The salivary glands act imperfectly; the mouth becomes dry, and is often opened and shut."
charles darwin
"For to fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise without really being wise, for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For no one knows whether death may not be the greatest good that can happen to man. But men fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. "
"Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children is increased by tales, so is the other."
Francis Bacon
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself -- nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."
Franklin.d. roosevelt
"Just as courage imperils life, fear protects it."
Leonardo Da vinci
"I have, indeed, no abhorrence of danger, except in its absolute effect - in terror. "
Edgar Allen Poe
"Terror is the feeling which arrest the mind in the presence of whatsover is grave and constant in human sufferings and unites it with cause. "
James Joyce
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