Sunday, 30 January 2011

Abbey Park- digital

Abbey park is one of the locations i visited earlier on, i thought for experimentation it is perfect as it is within walking distance from me, as well as being a 'haunted' location for my project.
It allows me to revisit without having to worry about traveling and such. 
Here, i thought i would spend time using a digital camera on my phone which has a 'retro camera app' on it to use different films and different lenses. Here i used the Lucifer VI lens with the blackkeys supergrain film to create very dark and contrasted images, I selected this film as i know it works very well in sunny and bright days as it allows for maxium contast in the light/shadows. The app only takes photos cut to a square canvus size so i had to take that into concideration while taking the images. The images below are the images that i took during this visist. 

With this shoot i wanted to experiment with alot of different stuff, including close ups and more landscape type images, obvious images and slightly more subtle, and a mix of more 'historical' or based around the historical structures and contasting images that are far more modern.

Here, is a selection of the images. the top image is taking a more taditional landscape look at the location, The second is a close up of a plaque which was surrounded by autuminal leaves.  While i found it alot easier to take these images, i think its more as it is digital and its what im used to, shooting digitally to create that easy to access instant result that i think ive almost grown to rely on. I dont think these images get the tension and the feeling across that i want and while the images are well structured, theyre not very interesting. I feel i liked these because they are what i like from black and white images, dark and contrasted. However the sharpness and the clarity which is normally something i like, doesnt really work. it just seems to perfect for the feel of the images that i want to create. I would like some form of distortion maybe to add to the feel of the images. Even with the basic experimentation i did with the holga pinhole the dreamy effect is something that i think i could work with. so i think i will resort back to using that.

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