Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Grace Dieu Shoot 3

I had a few odd occurences with this film. The spool got jammed and lead to images overlapping, as well as while trying to fix that, i got slight light leaks onto the film. This film came out more like the images that i wished to achieve then the other films. The movement and the distortions as well as the impact created by the light leaks which on some images have created an unusul effect. the images are more ambiguous and interesting with the distortion allowing the image and the audience to connect and explore.
 an example of where the film jammed on the spool and the effect it created on the negative
 the 'ghostly' caused by light leaking onto the film and creating one of the interesting and usual effects.
one of the more distored and out of focus images that is more in the style and in keeping of the images i already have shot

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